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Alresford Benefice Educational Trust

Alresford Benefice Educational Trust celebrates 28 years of supporting education.

In the last six years the trust has given over £16,000 to support members of the community to further their understanding of Christianity as practiced within the Church of England.

Education is interpreted in the widest sense. Projects funded range from lighting equipment to school trips; Bereavement Books to Churches Together weekends. Trustees would be interested in grant applications from those taking formal qualifications in Religious Education, none have been received recently.

The trust was founded in 1991 following the sale of the Old Alresford School building, now a private house. The income from investments is available to residents and organisations in Bighton, Old Alresford, New Alresford, and Ovington and Itchen Stoke.

Simon McCowen, Chairman of Trustees said ‘Although we are pleased at being able to fund so many projects, we would especially welcome more applications from students studying Religion, even if Christianity forms only part of the syllabus.’

If you would like to know more, or apply for a grant, please contact any trustee or our administrator, Margot Power, 01962 734167

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