Parish Council
Bighton Parish Council
The Parish Council is made up of five councillors who represent the local area and is elected every four years. Parish councils are the oldest form of civil government in England (older than county councils and far older than the present district councils); they are the successors of the earlier church parish councils which now exist as parochial church councils.
Council meetings are held bi-monthly in the evenings at Bighton Village Hall. Parishioners are invited to attend and can ask questions or raise concerns at the end of the meeting. We are part of the Alresford and Itchen Valley ward of Winchester City Council. City Councillors together with our County Councillor often attend our meetings and provide valuable input. There is an annual parish assembly in May of each year which parishioners are encouraged to attend.
Minutes for each meeting can be found on this site.
Parish Council Contacts
Charlie McCowen, Chairman
Nicholas Ashford, Parish Councillor
Sarah Jackson, Parish Councillor
Ian Johnson, Parish Councillor
David Quirk, Parish Councillor
Sarah White, Parish Clerk
T: 01962 733216
Russell Gordon-Smith, City Councillor
E: rgordon-smith@winchester.gov.uk
T:01962 733219
M: 07803 168 155
Clare Pinniger, City Councillor
E: cpinniger@winchester.gov.uk
T: 01962 738788
M: 07790 032349
Margot Power, City Councillor
T: 01962 734167
Jackie Porter, County & City Councillor
T: 01962 791054
M: 07973 696 085
Danny Chambers, MP for Winchester
E: danny.chambers.mp@parliament.uk
T: 01962 868 586
Parish Council Meetings
Meeting Dates - Provisional
The Parish Council meets bi-monthly for regular business and on an ad-hoc basis for discussion of planning applications which cannot be covered during the normal meetings.
Notification of regular meetings are available here and on the Parish Notice board. Dates of planning meetings are posted on the notice board.
Minutes are available here or from the Parish Clerk. They are 'Draft' status until approved at the following meeting.
Freedom of Information & Councillors Register of Interests
Under the Freedom of Information Act, parishioners can apply to the Parish Clerk for certain copies of documentation relating to the activities of the Parish Council.
Details of the information which is available can be found within the attached document.
Further information can also be found on the Winchester City Council website.
The Transparency Code
The Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities 2014, issued by the Department of Communities and Local Government, places an obligation on parish councils to publish certain documentation to enable local electors and ratepayers to access relevant information about the authorities's accounts and governance.
Accordingly the information held by Bighton Parish Council can be found below.
Older documents can be found on the archive page.