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Affordable Housing Consultation

   This is the information from Big Gun. Please note we need all the pages from the consultation form anything else, especially the forms from the drop in event will be invalid.                                                                 

  Local Homes for Local People


Attached to your copy of BigGun this month you will find a questionnaire about the proposed affordable housing for the parish.

We hope that you were able to visit the drop in on September 19th. If not -  there is a link on the website ( that enables you to view the scheme. Please let me know if you cannot access these plans.

The Parish Council is hoping that everyone in the parish will give us their views. The scheme is important to the village to enable parishioners, with a local connection, to live here. The proposed site was selected, as it was the only one to be put forward following a call for sites. As such, it is unlikely there will be another opportunity to provide Affordable Housing for local people in the parish.

If you are interested in occupying one of the dwellings please register your interest via  Hampshire Home Choice at the following link: making sure you state your local connection to Bighton when registering.

Please return all the pages on your completed form to the clerk at Manor Farm House by 31st October

Sarah White clerk   01962733216

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